The Main Features That Changed the Course of Smartphones

The Main Features That Changed the Course of Smartphones

The smartphone has become an essential part of our lives. We use them to stay connected with friends and family, to stay informed about the latest news, to work, to play, and to do just about everything else in between. But how did smartphones come to be so ubiquitous? What are the main features that have changed the course of smartphones over time?

The First Smartphones

The first smartphones were not much more than glorified calculators. They had small screens, limited functionality, and were not very user-friendly. But they were a start, and they paved the way for the smartphones of today.

the IBM Simon Personal Communicator, the first smartphone released in 1992.
IBM Simon Personal Communicator, the first smartphone released in 1992.

The Rise of Touchscreens

The first touchscreen smartphones were a major breakthrough. They made it much easier to use a smartphone, and they opened up a whole new world of possibilities. Touchscreens are now standard on all smartphones, and they are one of the main reasons why smartphones are so popular.

Apple iPhone, the first smartphone with a touchscreen released in 2007.
Apple iPhone, the first smartphone with a touchscreen released in 2007.

The Evolution of Cameras

The cameras on smartphones have also come a long way. Early smartphone cameras were very basic, but they have improved dramatically in recent years. Today, smartphones have some of the best cameras on the market, and they are used by millions of people to take photos and videos.

Image of the first smartphone with a camera, the Nokia 7650, released in 2002.
The first smartphone with a camera, the Nokia 7650, released in 2002.

iPhone 14 Pro Camera. Released in 2022.
iPhone 14 Pro Camera. Released in 2022.

The Growth of Data Plans

The growth of data plans has also played a major role in the rise of smartphones. In the past, smartphones were limited to using Wi-Fi for data. But with the growth of data plans, smartphones can now be used to access the internet anywhere, anytime. This has made smartphones even more versatile and useful.

The Rise of Apps

The rise of apps has also been a major factor in the success of smartphones. Apps are small software programs that can be downloaded to smartphones. There are now millions of apps available, and they cover a wide range of categories, including games, productivity, social networking, and more. Apps have made smartphones even more powerful and versatile, and they are one of the main reasons why people love using them.

The Future of Smartphones

It is impossible to say for sure what the future holds for smartphones. But one thing is for sure: they will continue to evolve and become even more powerful and useful. In the future, we can expect to see smartphones with even better cameras, longer battery life, and more powerful processors. We can also expect to see new features and capabilities that we can't even imagine today.

Foldable iPhone Concept
Foldable iPhone Concept


The smartphone has come a long way since its humble beginnings. It has evolved from a basic calculator into a powerful and versatile device that is used by millions of people around the world. The main features that have changed the course of smartphones over time include touchscreens, cameras, data plans, and apps. These features have made smartphones more user-friendly, powerful, and versatile. And they have helped to make smartphones one of the most popular and important devices in the world today.

By Jorge Hardt

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